void Blue_LUT(UINT8 led_index, UINT8 tuning); void White_LUT(UINT8 led_index,UINT8 tuning) ; Funzioni di commutazione tra led fisico e led logico. Servono per il recupero della corretta maschera fisica di attivazione dei led.
void blue_lut (led_index uint8, uint8 tuning); void white_lut (led_index uint8, uint8 tuning); LED switching functions between physical and logical led. serve for the recovery of the correct form of physical activation of the LEDs.
void Blue_LUT (UINT8, UINT8 led_index tuning); void White_LUT (UINT8, UINT8 led_index tuning); switching Functions between physical and logical led led. Need to retrieve the proper physical form of activation of the LEDs.
Void Blue_LUT(UINT8 led_index, UINT8 tuning) ; void White_LUT(UINT8 led_index,UINT8 tuning) ; switching functions between led and physical logic led. They serve for the recovery of the correct physical mask of activation of the leds.