I want my Brother “Cos’è che vuoi, Gabriel?”“Io voglio mio fratello!”  번역 - I want my Brother “Cos’è che vuoi, Gabriel?”“Io voglio mio fratello!”  영어 말하는 방법

I want my Brother “Cos’è che vuoi,

I want my Brother

“Cos’è che vuoi, Gabriel?”
“Io voglio mio fratello!” *

Voglio la mia mano stretta attorno alla sua gola.
Voglio avvertire il battito del suo cuore mentre la mia spada lo trafigge e il suo sangue cola.
Voglio sentire il sapore della sua morte sulla mia lingua e l’odore della paura che lo paralizza per mano mia.
Secoli passati ad aggiustare i suoi errori, a proteggerlo anche da sé stesso, e mai, mai che lui abbia ricambiato il favore.
Il fiore all’occhiello di loro Padre, il Suo figlio prediletto, il piccolo di famiglia di cui tutti devono costantemente prendersene cura, come se loro non fossero nati nello stesso istante. Cosa lo rende più degno di tutte quelle attenzioni?
Non era neanche riuscito a salvare il suo David. L’avesse lasciato cadere apposta, geloso di essere stato scelto per guidarlo nella sua breve vita, e ancora di più perché un bambino umano era riuscito a rubare il posto che gli spettava al centro del cuore dell’altra sua mezza anima.
Michael gli doveva tutto, ma non aveva esitato a rubargli ogni cosa bella dalla sua di vita.
Chissà che effetto fa il sangue del più potente degli arcangeli sulla nuda terra.

Voglio uscire da questa gabbia di tenebre.
Voglio correre via da tutto
Voglio volare da Michael.
L’avrebbe trovato intento ad organizzare un modo per salvarlo, lo sapeva, suo fratello non avrebbe permesso a niente di separarli. Suo fratello lo amava tanto quanto lui.
Avrebbe visto nascere la gioia e il sollievo nei suoi occhi una volta notata la sua presenza. Il cuore del suo gemello avrebbe finalmente potuto ricominciare a battere.
Lui, ovviamente, avrebbe nascosto il tutto dietro un ammiccamento ed una battuta sagace.
Ma poi Michael gli sarebbe corso incontro, incurante di tutti gli altri, e l’avrebbe abbracciato, uno di quegli abbracci così forti che sembra voglia romperti, ma invece di romperti ti aggiustano**.
E lui finalmente avrebbe finalmente potuto smettere di lottare, smettere di opporsi al mondo, smettere di avere paura, perché lui e Michael erano di nuovo insieme e niente poteva più fargli del male.
Avvolti uno nelle ali dell’altro sapevano di essere invincibili.

Oh Gabriel, Gabriel, credi davvero che il grande e potente Michael abbia bisogno di te al suo fianco?
Credi addirittura che ti voglia con sé?

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
I want my Brother "What is it you want, Gabriel?""I want my brother!" * I want to close my hand around her throat.I feel her heartbeat while my sword stabs him and his blood.I want to feel the taste of his death on my tongue and the smell of fear that paralyzed by my hand.Centuries to fix his mistakes, to protect him from himself, too, and never, ever that he reciprocated the favor.The highlight of their father, her beloved son, the little family that everyone must constantly take care of them, as if they were born at the same time. What makes it all the more worthy of attention?It wasn't even managed to save his David. Had dropped especially jealous of being chosen to guide him in his short life, and even more because a human child had managed to steal the place that was at the heart of the other half of his soul.Michael owed him everything but had not hesitated to steal every good thing from his life.Who knows what effect does the blood of the most powerful of the archangels on the bare ground. I want out of this cage of darkness.I want to run away from it allI want to fly from Michael.The intent would be to organize a way to save him, he knew, his brother would not allow anything to separate them. Her brother loved him as much as he.He would have seen the joy and relief in her eyes once noticed his presence. His twin's heart would have finally been able to start to beat.He obviously would hide everything behind a wink and a witty.But then Michael would meet course, oblivious to everyone else, and he embraced, one of those hugs so strong that seems to break, but instead of break fix you **.And he would finally could finally stop fighting, stop opposing the world, stop being afraid, because he and Michael were back together and nothing could hurt him.Wrapped in each other's wings knew they were invincible. Oh Gabriel, Gabriel, do you really think Michael the great and powerful needs you to his side?Do you even want you with him? … No.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]

I want my Brother "What do you want, Gabriel?" "I want my brother!" * I want to close my hand around his throat. I want to feel the beat of his heart while my sword stabs him and his blood flows . I want to feel the taste of his death on my tongue and the smell of fear that paralyzes him by my hand. Centuries passed to fix his mistakes, to protect him even from himself, and never, never that he has returned the favor. The highlight of their Father, your beloved son, the little family to which all must constantly take care of them, as if they were not born at the same moment. What makes it worthy of all the attention? It was not even able to save his David. If he had dropped it on purpose, jealous of being chosen to guide him in his short life, and even more because a human child had managed to steal the rightful place at the heart of the heart of his other half soul. Michael he owed everything, but she did not hesitate to steal every thing from his life. Who knows what it's like the blood of the most powerful of the archangels on the bare ground. I want out of this cage of darkness. I want to run away from everything I want to fly from Michael. L 'would find intent to organize a way to save him, he knew, his brother would not allow anything to separate them. His brother loved him as much as he. He witnessed the birth of the joy and relief in his eyes once noticed his presence. The heart of his twin would have finally been able to start beating. He, of course, would hide it all behind a wink and a witty joke. But then Michael would have ran up, oblivious to everyone else, and he would embrace, one of those hugs so strong that seems to want to break you, but instead of break you'll trim **. And finally he would finally have to stop fighting, stop moving against the world, stop being afraid, because he and Michael were back together and nothing could more harm him. Wrapped in the wings of the other one knew they were invincible. Oh Gabriel, Gabriel, you really believe that the great and powerful Michael needs you by his side? You think even you want with him? ... No.

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
탄생 보고 있을 것이다 눈이 안도와 기쁨은 그 존재를 눈치채지. 누나의 가슴 때리 마침내 시작할 수 없습니다.
그, 물론, 윙크, 한 박자 뒤에 살얼음 전체 숨겨진 것이다.
다음 마이클 모든 회의의 코스지만,원주민, 부둥켜안고,
I want my Brother

"What is it that you want, Gabriel? "
"I want my brother " *

I want my hand close around its throat.
I want to warn the beat of his heart while my sword pierces and his blood cola.
I want to hear the taste of his own death on my tongue and the smell of fear that paralyzes him for my hand.
past centuries to fix its mistakes,Had he dropped affixed, jealous that he has been chosen to guide it in his short life, and even more because a human child was able to steal the place which they occupied in the center of the heart of its other half soul.
Michael owed him everything, but had not hesitated to steal every beautiful thing from its life.
To protect him from himself, and never, never that he reciprocated the favor.
The pride of their father, his beloved Son, the small family of which all must constantly take care of him, as if they were not born in the same instant. What makes it more worthy of all those attentions'
was not even managed to save his David.Would have seen the birth the joy and relief in his eyes once noticed his presence. The heart of his sister could finally start hitting.
Him, of course, would have hidden the whole behind a wink and a beat sagacity.
but then Michael would course meeting, heedless of all other, and would have embraced,Who knows what effect does it have the blood of the most powerful of the Archangels on the bare earth.

i want out of this cage of darkness.
I want to run away from everything
i fly by Michael.
L would have found intention to organize a way to save him, knew his brother would not have allowed nothing to separate them. His brother he loved him as much as him.
Do you think really think that the great and powerful Michael is in need of thee at his side?
believe even that you desire with if?

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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