Prima di iniziare , però , la scansione , SWP analizza per i primi 20 millesimi di secondo (S5 TEST TRUE HAND.), con definito valore di potenza , la corrente assorbita.Se il valore è inferiore ad una determinata soglia (fissa e tarata in fase di progetto ) significa che il manipolo è assente : SWP blocca tutto , ferma la potenza , e segnala l'allarme all’operatore.
Before you begin, however, scanning, swp analyzes for the first 20 milliseconds (s5 test true hand.), with defined power value, the current the value is below a given threshold (fixed and calibrated phase of the project) means that the handpiece is absent: swp blocks everything, without power, and signals the alarm to the operator.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Before you begin, though, scanning, SWP analyses for the first 20 milliseconds (S5 TEST TRUE HAND.), with defined value of the current absorbed power.If the value is below a certain threshold (adjusted and fixed in the design phase) means that the handpiece is absent: SWP block all, stop the power, and reports the alarm to the operator.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Before you begin , however , the scan, SWP analyzes for the first 20 thousandths of a second (S5 TEST TRUE HAND. ), with defined power value , the current the value is below a certain threshold (fixed and calibrated at the design stage ) means that the handpiece is absent : SWP blocks everything, stops the power , and signals the alarm to the operator.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..