Glossario:IIN : corrente assorbita dal trasformatoreVCC : tensione con 번역 - Glossario:IIN : corrente assorbita dal trasformatoreVCC : tensione con 영어 말하는 방법

Glossario:IIN : corrente assorbita

IIN : corrente assorbita dal trasformatore
VCC : tensione continua di alimentazione del modulo
PWM : interfaccia interna al micro che genera il pattern di potenza
BestI : variabile software che memorizza la corrente più bassa
BestF: variabile software che memorizza la frequenza corrispondente alla corrente più bassa
StartCal : definizione della fase di inizio gestione potenza (250mSec) in cui si porta il sistema alla potenza richiesta
OldI : variabile che memorizza la corrente di riferimento in base alla potenza programmata
Vprimar : variabile che memorizza la tensione del primario del trasformatore
NewV : variabile che memorizza la tensione del primario del trasformatore di riferimento in base alla potenza impostata
OverCurrent: è un flag software che indica troppa corrente assorbita
다음 언어를 번역: -
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Glossary: ​​
iin: current drawn by the transformer
vcc: DC supply voltage of the module pwm
: internal interface to the micro pattern that generates the power
besti: software variable that stores the current lower
bestf: variable that stores the software frequency corresponding to the lower current
startcal:definition of the beginning phase power management (250msec), which brings the system to the power required
oldi: variable that stores the reference current according to the output programmed
vprimar: variable that stores the primary voltage of the transformer
NewV: variable which stores the voltage of the transformer primary reference depending on the power set
overcurrent: it is a software flag that indicates too much current consumption
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
IIN: current absorbed by the transformer
VCC: power DC voltage of PWM: internal interface
micro generating power pattern
Baithullah: variable software that stores the lowest current
BestF: software that stores the variable frequency corresponding to the lowest current
StartCal: definition of the beginning phase power management (250mSec) when you bring the system to the power required
O: variable that stores the reference current according to the programmed power
Vprimar: variable that stores the primary voltage of the transformer
NewV: variable that stores the primary voltage reference transformer based on power set
OverCurrent: is a software flag that indicates too much amperage
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
IIN : current absorbed by the transformer
VCC : dc supply voltage of the module
PWM : internal interface to the micro that generates the pattern of power
BestI : variable software that stores the current lowest
BestF: variable software that stores the frequency corresponding to the current lowest StartCal
:Definition of a start-up phase power management (250msec) in which the system is brought to power required
OldI : variable that stores the reference current on the basis of the power programd
Vprimar : variable that stores the voltage of the primary of the transformer
NewV : variable that stores the voltage of the primary of the transformer of reference on the basis of the power set
Overcurrent: is a flag software that indicates too much current absorbed
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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