PWM8_WritePulseWidth(DEFAULT_LED_BRIGHT_VALUE); Funzione di set della linea di PWM per la definizione della luminosità dei led. All'avvio il sistema prevede tutti i led spenti con luminostià impostata a 0.
pwm8_writepulsewidth (default_led_bright_value); function of the set of line pwm for defining the brightness of the LEDs. startup the system provides all the LEDs off with luminostià set to 0.
PWM8_WritePulseWidth (DEFAULT_LED_BRIGHT_VALUE); set function of PWM line defining the brightness of LEDs. on startup the system includes all LEDs off with brightness set to 0.
PWM8_WritePulseWidth(DEFAULT_LED_BRIGHT_VALUE) ; function to set the line PWM for definition of the brightness of the led. all'starts, the system includes all of the leds off with luminostia set to 0.