Emerge nel complesso una raffinatezza interpretativa che si ricollega ai grandi pianisti della storia, e non solo ai massimi interpreti chopiniani (esemplare il n. 7 per limpidità, il successivo e il n. 10 per scioltezza).
Emerges overall interpretive refinement that relates back to great pianists in history, and not only at the highest performers interpreters of Chopin (exemplary # 7 for clarity, the next and the # 10 for fluency).
It emerges overall refinement of interpretation that relates the great pianists of history, and not only the greatest interpreters of Chopin (model no. 7 for clarity, the next and the no. 10 for ease).
Shows an overall refinement of interpretation that harkens back to the great pianists of history, and not only at the highest chopiniani interpreters (specimen no. 7 for clarity, the next and the n. 10 For fluency).