In figura 1.5 è riportata, per singolo Stato
membro, per l’UE 28, per l’UE 15 e per i NSM,
la ripartizione percentuale delle principali forme
di gestione scelte da Eurostat (riciclaggio,
compostaggio, incenerimento, discarica), cui
sono avviati i rifiuti urbani nel 2012. Il 34% dei
rifiuti urbani gestiti nei 28 Stati membri è smaltito
in discarica, il 24% è avviato a incenerimento,
mentre il 27% e il 15% sono avviati,
rispettivamente, a riciclaggio e compostaggio.
Va segnalato che, secondo l’approccio
di Eurostat, nella voce “compostaggio”,
oltre al trattamento aerobico della frazione
biodegradabile, rientra quello anaerobico. La
figura mostra un’estrema variabilità di approccio
alla gestione dei rifiuti urbani tra i diversi Stati
membri. Con riferimento allo smaltimento in
discarica, si passa da percentuali inferiori allo
0,5% (Germania) al 99% circa (Romania). Oltre
alla Germania, anche la Svezia, il Belgio, i Paesi
Bassi, la Danimarca e l’Austria fanno registrare
percentuali molto basse (fino al 3% circa) di
smaltimento in discarica, mentre, all’estremo
opposto, Grecia, Lettonia, Croazia e Malta,
smaltiscono in discarica una percentuale di
rifiuti urbani compresa tra l’82 e l’87% circa e
la Romania, come sopra evidenziato, raggiunge
una percentuale di smaltimento in discarica del
99% circa. Eccezion fatta per la Grecia, i Paesi
nei quali il ricorso alla discarica interessa oltre il
65% dei rifiuti urbani gestiti sono tutti di recente
accesso all’UE.
Figure 1.5 shows, for individual StateMember, 28, for the EU for the EU 15 and the NMS,the percentage breakdown of main formsEurostat choices management (recycling,composting, incineration, landfill, etc.), whichmunicipal waste are started in 2012. The 34% ofsolid waste handled in 28 Member States is disposed ofin landfills, the 24% started to incineration,while 27% and 15% are started,respectively, to recycling and composting.It should be noted that, according to the approachfor Eurostat, under the heading "composting",In addition to aerobic treatment of fractionbiodegradable, is that anaerobic. Thefigure shows an extreme variability in approachmunicipal waste management between different Statesmembers. With reference to the disposal inlandfill, moving from percentages less than0.5% (Germany) to 99 percent (Romania). In additionto Germany, Sweden, also the countries Belgium,Netherlands, Denmark and Austria the showvery low percentages (up to 3 per cent) oflandfill, while, in the extremeopposite, Greece, Latvia, Croatia and Malta,disposing of a landfillmunicipal solid waste between 82 and 87 percent andthe Romania, as above shown, reachesa landfill of99 percent. Except for Greece, the countriesin what concerns the use of landfill over the65% of municipal wastes are managed are all recentlyaccess to the EU.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Is shown in Figure 1.5, for each State
member, for the EU 28, for the EU 15 and the NMS,
the percentage breakdown of the main forms
of management decisions by Eurostat (recycling,
composting, incineration, landfill), which
are initiated municipal waste in 2012. The 34% of
municipal waste managed in the 28 Member States is disposed of
in landfills, 24% incinerated initiated,
while 27% and 15% are started,
respectively, in recycling and composting.
Go reported that, according to the approach
of Eurostat, under "composting",
in addition to the aerobic treatment of the fraction
biodegradable, covered anaerobic. The
figure shows an extreme variability of approach
to the management of municipal waste across the Member
States. With regard to the disposal in
landfill, switching from lower rates to
0.5% (Germany) to approximately 99% (Romania). In addition
to Germany, also Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands
Netherlands, Denmark and Austria make record
very low percentages (up to about 3%) of
landfill, while, at the extreme
opposite, Greece, Latvia, Croatia and Malta,
disposed in a landfill percentage of
municipal waste between 82 and 87%, and
Romania, as indicated above, reaches
a percentage of landfill disposal of
about 99%. Except for Greece, the countries
in which the use of landfills affects more than
65% of municipal waste are all managed in recent
EU accession.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

In figure 1.5 is shown, for individual State
state, for the EU 28, for the EU 15 and for the NSM,
the percentage distribution of the main forms
management choices by Eurostat (recycling,
composting, incineration, landfill), whose
are initiated the municipal waste in 2012. The 34% of
municipal waste managed in 28 Member States and disposed
in landfills, 24% and started to incineration,
While the 27% and 15% are initiated,
respectively, to recycling and composting.
It should be noted that, according to the approach
of Eurostat, under the heading "composting" ,
in addition to the aerobic treatment of fraction
biodegradable, falls within the anaerobic. The
figure shows an extreme variability of approach
urban waste management between the different States
members.With reference to the disposal in
landfill, it passes from lower percentages to
0.5 % (Germany) to about 99% (Romania). In addition
to Germany, Sweden, Belgium, the countries
Netherlands, Denmark and Austria make record
very low percentages (up to 3% approximately) of
landfill disposal, while, in the extreme
opposite, Greece, Latvia, Croatia and Malta,
They melt in landfill a percentage of
municipal waste between 82 and 87% about and
Romania, as highlighted above, reaches
a percentage of disposal in the landfill of the
99% approximately. Except in the case of Greece, the countries
in which the use of landfill affects more than the
65% of municipal waste managed are all of recent
access to the EU.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..