Dal 2007 Fabio Zuffanti porta avanti una carriera solista a suo nome.  번역 - Dal 2007 Fabio Zuffanti porta avanti una carriera solista a suo nome.  영어 말하는 방법

Dal 2007 Fabio Zuffanti porta avant

Dal 2007 Fabio Zuffanti porta avanti una carriera solista a suo nome. Il primo lavoro pubblicato è stato Pioggia e luce, un EP di 20 minuti, uscito nel 2007 per l'etichetta genovese Marsiglia Records[1]. In parallelo inizia la lavorazione del primo album, pubblicato con il titolo di Fabio Zuffanti nel 2009 per AMS Records. Nel marzo 2010 esce il secondo album di Zuffanti intitolato Ghiaccio (Mellow Records) (titolo ispirato dal libro omonimo di Anna Kavan). Questo due primi album (e l'EP) si muovono tra cantautorato, prog e musica elettronica, con varie rarefazioni del suono, sospeso tra realtà e sogno. La svolta pop avviene nel maggio 2011 quando viene pubblicato il terzo album di Zuffanti, "La foce del ladrone" (Spirals Records/Long Song Records), ispirato al famoso dico di Franco Battiato La voce del padrone. Questo nuovo lavoro ottiene ben presto un notevole successo; sospinto dal singolo e dal video "Musica strana" il cd diviene in breve tempo l'album più venduto di Fabio Zuffanti e 'Musica strana' il suo manifesto. Al momento Zuffanti sta lavorando al suo quarto album solista, che lo riporterà alle atmosfere prog a lui care, ispirato al libro di Michael Ende Lo specchio nello specchio.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
since 2007 fabio Zuffanti carries on a solo career under his own name. the first published work was rain and light, an EP of 20 minutes, released in 2007 for the label Genoese marseille records [1]. Parallel begins processing the first album, published under the title of fabio Zuffanti in 2009 for ams records.in March 2010, her second album titled Zuffanti ice (mellow records) (title inspired by the novel by Anna Kavan). This first two albums (and ep) move between songwriting, prog and electronic music, with various rarefaction of sound, suspended between reality and dream. pop is the turning point in May 2011 when it released its third album Zuffanti,"The mouth of the thief" (spirals records / long song records), inspired by the famous saying by Franco Battiato master's voice. this new work soon gets a great success, driven by the single and video from the "strange music" cd soon became the biggest selling album of fabio Zuffanti and 'strange music' his manifesto. Zuffanti currently is working on his fourth solo album,that will bring him back to the atmosphere prog dear to him, based on the book by michael ende the mirror in the mirror.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
From 2007 Fabio Zuffanti is pursuing a solo career under his own name. The first work published was rain and light, a 20 minute EP, released in 2007 for the Genoese label Marsiglia Records [1]. In parallel, he began working with first album, published with the title of Fabio Zuffanti in 2009 for AMS. In March 2010 released their second album titled Ice Zuffanti (Mellow Records) (title inspired by the book of the same name by Anna Kavan). This first two albums (and the EP) move between songwriting, prog and electronic music, with various sound rarefazioni, suspended between reality and dream. The turning point came in May 2011 pop when they released the third album of Zuffanti, "The thief" (Spirals Records/Long Song Records), inspired by the famous saying by Franco Battiato La voce del padrone. This new work gets soon a great success; driven by the single and video "strange music" the cd quickly became the best-selling album of Fabio Zuffanti ' weird ' Music and its manifesto. At the moment is working on his Zuffanti fourth solo album, who will report to him care prog atmospheres, inspired by the book by Michael Ende the mirror in the mirror.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
In 2007 Fabio Zuffanti pursuing a solo career in his name. The first published work was Rain and light, an EP of 20 minutes, released in 2007 for the label genovese Marseille Records[ 1]. In parallel processing begins the first album, published with the title of Fabio Zuffanti in 2009 for AMS Records.In march 2010 leaves the second album entitled Zuffanti Ice (Mellow Records) (title inspired by book of the same name by Anna Kavan). This two first albums (and the EP) move between cantautorato, prog and electronic music, with various rarefactions of the sound, suspended between reality and dream. The turn pop occurs in May 2011 when published the third album of Zuffanti,"The mouth of the thief" (Spirals Records/Long Song Records), inspired by the famous saying of Franco Battiato The voice of the master. This new job gets well soon a notable success; pushed by single and video "Music strange" the cd becomes in a short time the album more sold by Fabio Zuffanti and 'Music strange' his manifesto. At the time Zuffanti is currently working on his fourth solo album,Taking him back to the atmospheres prog dear to him, inspired by the book by Michael Ende the mirror in the mirror.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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