I compiti principali del SWP sono la gestione dell’erogazione della potenza ultrasonica al trasduttore , la collaborazione con sistemi esterni per la configurazione e l’attivazione della potenza .
Il SWP deve mantenere la sicurezza elettrico-meccanica e interrompere o non erogare potenza velocemente in caso di guasto o errata configurazione .
E’ il SWP che gestisce il controllo matematico della sintonia , del loop di controllo erogazione potenza e della generazione del segnale di sovramodulazione per modalità ‘boost’.
Si realizzano 2 flussi di programma : il principale detto MAIN e il secondario detto INTERRUPT.
Il flusso MAIN è un loop continuo che esegue le principali funzioni operative come la sintonia della frequenza di risonanza del trasduttore e la gestione della potenza ultrasonica etc.
Il flusso INTERRUPT viene schedulato allo scadere di un timer interno al microprocessore , e interrompe il flusso MAIN.Questo flusso ha priorità sul MAIN.
Funzioni gestite dal task MAIN :
Funzioni gestite dal task INTERRUPT :
implementation of the specific architecture of the main tasks of the PEMS
swp are handling the release of the ultrasonic power to the transducer, collaboration with external systems for configuring and activating the power.
the swp must maintain security and electrical-mechanical stop or not delivering power quickly in the event of a failure or misconfiguration.
and 'the swp that manages the control mathematical tuning, control loop power supply and signal generation overmodulation mode to 'boost'.
a variance of 2 program streams:the principal said main and secondary interrupt said.
the main flow is a continuous loop that executes the main operational functions such as tuning of the resonance frequency of the transducer and the ultrasonic power management etc.
interrupt the flow is scheduled at the end of an internal timer to the microprocessor, and interrupts the flow main.questo flow has priority over the main.
functions managed by the main task:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s7, s8, s9, s13
functions managed by the interrupt task:
s6, s10, s11, s13
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

SWP's main tasks include the management of the delivery of the power to the transducer, ultrasonic collaboration with external systems for configuring and activating power.
The SWP should retain its mechanical and electrical safety-stop or not disburse quickly in the event of power failure or misconfiguration.
it's the SWP who runs the mathematical harmony control of power supply control loop and overmodulation signal generation for ' boost '.
occur 2 program streams: the principal said MAIN and subordinate said INTERRUPT.
The MAIN flow is a continuous loop that executes the main operating functions as the tune of the resonant frequency of the transducer and ultrasonic power management etc.
the INTERRUPT is scheduled at the end of an internal timer to the microprocessor, and interrupts the MAIN stream.This stream has priority over MAIN.
Managed functions from the MAIN task:
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S7, S8, S9, S13
managed functions from INTERRUPT task:
S6, S10, S11, S13
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

The main tasks of the SWP are the management of the provision of the ultrasonic power to the transducer, the collaboration with external systems for the configuration and activation of the power .
The SWP must keep the safety electrical-mechanical and interrupt or not deliver power quickly in the event of a failure or incorrect configuration .
is the SWP that manages the control of mathematical harmony , of a control loop power delivery and the generation of the overmodulation signal for 'boost' .
occur 2 program streams :The main said MAIN and the secondary said INTERRUPT.
The MAIN flow and a continuous loop that performs the main operative functions as the tuning of the resonant frequency of the transducer and the management of the ultrasonic power etc.
The INTERRUPT flow is scheduled at the expiry of a timer inside the microprocessor , and interrupts the flow flow MAIN.Questo has priority on the MAIN.
Functions managed by task MAIN :
Functions managed by task INTERRUPTS :
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..