Si definiscono due array in cui verranno caricati i valori assoluti da inserire nel timer di gestione dimming. Il sistema gestisce in automatico il dimming dal valore ACCESO al valore STANDBY e viceversa passando da valori intermedi di dimming.
we define two arrays that will be uploaded to the absolute values to be entered in the timer management dimming . the system automatically manages the dimming value to the value on standby and vice versa passing by intermediate values of dimming.
We define two arrays that will be uploaded to the absolute values to be inserted into the timer by . The dimming management system manages automatically dimming value on STANDBY and value vice versa via intermediate values of dimming.
You define two arrays in which will be loaded the absolute values to insert into the timer of management dimming. The system automatically manages the dimming from the value on the value and STANDBY vice versa from intermediate values of dimming.