Inoltre, essendo presente un circuito di watchdog esterno, in caso di anomalie durante il loop che determino un blocco del flusso di programma, verrebbe resettato il micro. Ciò provocherebbe l‟immediata interruzione della potenza d‟uscita.
moreover, being present to an external watchdog circuit, in case of anomalies during the loop that may lead to a blockage of the flow of the program, would reset the micro. this would result in the "immediate interruption of the power of" exit.
Also, being a watchdog circuit, in case of anomalies during the loop that I determine a block of program flow, would reset the micro. This would cause the immediate interruption of the power output.
In addition, since there is a watchdog circuit outside, in the event of a fault during the loop that determined a block the program flow, would reset the micro. This would cause the immediate interruption of the power d'output.